Campus Life

Campus Life

A thriving residential campus and community of creative and accomplished people from around the world


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry requirements criteria before applying. Failure to meet all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered.

Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry requirements criteria before applying. Failure to meet all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered.

You must be a South African citizen or a foreign national with a study permit
You must reside in the province of which you are applying
You must have proven financial need
You must have applied for NSFAS before applying for this bursary (apply for NSFAS funding here)
You must be studying or intend on studying at a recognised University, University of Technology or TVET College in South Africa
You must meet the requirements of the Willowton/SANZAF and fall under one of these 3 categories:
You must be currently in Matric, or
You must be currently studying at a tertiary institution and were sponsored by a family member or yourself last year, or
You must be currently studying at a tertiary institution and were sponsored by Willowton/SANZAF last year
Scholarship Awards:
Applicants may be required to achieve a minimum of 65% in a subject/Module to be considered for the Bursary Award.
Eligible for Zakah:
The Shariah (Islamic Law) has identified eight categories of recipients of Zakah, namely:

The Poor:
Generally, those that are unemployed (due to unavailability of work or an inability to secure work due to a lack of skills). It will not include for example, people who can work or have work opportunities – even if unrelated to their skills set or professions. For example, people unwilling to take up some of other form of employment due to pride or an unemployed carpenter unwilling to take up employment as a driver or an unemployed accountant unwilling to take up employment as a cashier, etc.

The Needy:
Generally, those that are employed, even as professionals, but whose income is insufficient to cover basic living expenses. However, while the Shariah makes an allowance for basic necessities to be exempt from Zakah, for example; a home, mode of transport, furniture, clothing, etc. it also balances the need to own and acquire assets by urging moderation, non-extravagance and living within ones means. The latter may include planning for the likes of education or other eventualities at the expense of luxuries and conveniences etc.

The Administrators of Zakah
The Reverts
Those in Debt:
Generally, those who through circumstances beyond their control, find themselves in debt and are unable to settle same from existing assets, even if it means selling personal assets. Usually one who is faced with the prospect of a legal challenge that will render one insolvent.

Zakah is by design an outright grant, i.e. it is not a loan that needs to be re-paid. Therefore, one cannot justify ‘borrowing’ Zakah with the intent of paying it back later without taking the necessary steps to ensure that one qualifies for Zakah in the first place. However, while there is no obligation to repay Zakah, one may voluntarily ‘re-pay’ it or contribute to such a fund if one so wishes. The nature or intention of any such ‘repayment’ will be judged by Allah.



  1. Registration fees
  2. Tuition fees
  3. Cost of textbooks


  1. Applications must be done online at:
  1. Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your online application (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):
  1. Matric students must submit these documents:
      • ID document or study permit if a foreign national (certified copy)
      • Trial results (certified copy)
      • Motivational letter explaining why you deserve the bursary
      • Testimonial from your school
      • Proof of income: parents/ guardians/ spouse latest payslips OR affidavit if unemployed OR death certificate if deceased
  1. Tertiary student NOT previously sponsored by Willowton/SANZAF must submit these documents:
    • ID document OR study permit if a foreign national (certified copy)
    • Matric final results/ certificate (certified copy)
    • Full tertiary academic record (on institutions letterhead)
    • Motivational letter explaining why you deserve the bursary
    • Testimonial from your University, Imaam or Religious leader
    • Proof of income from parents, guardians, spouse or your own (latest payslips if employed, affidavit if unemployed, proof of grant or pension if applicable, death certificate if deceased)
  1. Tertiary student currently sponsored by Willowton/SANZAF must submit these documents:
    • Matric final results/ certificate
    • 2022 mid-year tertiary results (on institutions letterhead)
    • Proof of income: parents/ guardians/ spouse latest payslips OR affidavit if unemployed OR death certificate if deceased


  1. Closing date for 2023 applications will be on 30th September 2022.
  2. All supporting documentation must be submitted. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.


  1. The Bursary Committee will review and shortlist potential candidates.
  2. Interview dates, venues and time slots will be communicated via email.
  3. Interviews will be conducted, and all applicants are to ensure that they are available on these dates.
  4. Candidates will receive feedback regarding application status as per regional office.
  5. Successful applicants will receive a Confirmation of Pledge Email/letter.
  6. All payments will be made directly into the account of the institution.
  7. Students will not be entitled to withdraw any funds paid by Willowton/SANZAF even if the balance is in their favour.
  8. The information supplied in the application form is confidential. Where necessary some information will be made available to members of SANZAF.
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